add life to your living space!
fenway based project: leafcare offers interior plant design services
we offer help with:
REPOTTINGS- give your plants a refresh! available for house calls
DESIGN & INSTALL- looking to change up your space? we offer full design services that start with a walkthrough and end with a beautiful green-filled space!
LIVING WALLS- transform your space with a masterpiece of greenery
RENOVATION & PLANT ROOMS- add to your space with shelving, build outs, and any addition to help accommodate beautiful plant life
BACKYARD LIVING SPACES- living spaces allow those with outdoor area to have a greenhouse custom to their needs that can be a space for both work and play and be amongst nature with a cohesive structure.
COMMUNITY EVENTS- group rides! park parties… parkys! day camps! coming together to enjoy nature :)
what we do:
design and install houseplants within client’s space in a collaborative experience that matches and enhances aesthetic
sustainability and accessibility are top in mind with PLC, as we work in collaboration in both residential and commercial space!
repot and maintain houseplants currently in your space!
plants are life
for your living space
plants are life ! for your living space !
have a space you’re interested adding plants to?
contact us for a walk through or phone call that will help begin the project and help get an idea of what you have in mind